05 April 2020

Seeing Things Real

In an effort to not be a Cassandra 24/7, I'm going to start sharing songs and artists that always make me smile or have other special significance to me. I'm going to start with the song Brian and I danced to at our wedding.
A little backstory - when Brian and I started dating, I was obsessed with a song called Blow Me Up by Will and the Bushmen. Brian had a bootleg of the album and "lent" it to me. I loved that cassette. Brian kept telling me he knew the band and I kept telling him he was a liar. When he introduced me to Will a few months later at The Dock in Jackson, it was one of the few times I've ever been speechless.
Fast forward a couple of years and Brian and I are getting married. Will graciously agreed to play our reception. When he asked what he should play for our dance, I insisted on this song. He didn't get it - but he did it. So here it is, the oddest wedding song ever. Like Laughing by Will and the Bushmen.

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